創意學經濟Creative Essentials of Economics(2019秋季班)
Pengajar: 譚經緯


諾貝爾經濟學獎得主 Joseph E. Stiglitz (2010) 指出:「經濟學說需要革新」;此外,英國金融時報 (Financial Times, 2015) 也強調「經濟學該與生活連結」。綜合以上,經濟學為商管與社會科學之基礎,必須掌握變化的趨勢,甚至創造新機,才能得到市場。 本課程將藉由時事案例與流行趨勢等跨領域素材,並透過生活問題引導學員主動思考。同時,透過專家推薦的章節架構,讓學習目標聚焦,並具備人文社會思想。此外,本課程引用歷年實體課程的學員創作,期能啓發同儕思考和聯想。 本課程從人本關懷做出發,期許各位學員能夠透過本課程瞭解自我、瞭解商業邏輯、瞭解社會,進而達到共同獲益的榮景。

課程語言:中文 影片字幕:繁體中文、簡體字幕、英文。

Abstract According to Nobel Economics Prize laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz (2010), current world economic theories need reform. Financial Times (2015) pointed out that economics should be related to everyday life. Economics lays the foundation for business management and social science. Seizing the constantly changing trends and creating new opportunities are therefore essential to winning market share. This course builds on cross-field materials discussing latest news reports, hot topics, and latest trends. Students will learn to think critically and independently through the in-class discussions on questions related to daily life. The course structure is based on expert advice, with focused learning objectives and the essence of humanistic education. In addition, this course refers to the work of previous students to provide inspirations for online students. This course adopts the concept of humanistic education. Students will have an insight into themselves, business models, and society, achieving win-win situations.

Tujuan kursus

(1) 瞭解最基本與實用之經濟學原理,及如何做個人優化選擇。
(2) 透析社會及商業基本運行與永續共榮邏輯。
(3) 發現社會及商業之運作問題並提出可行解決方式。
(4) 鞏固進階經濟學的基礎,及培養關懷商業社會脈動之動機。

Students will be able to:
(1) understand basic and practical economic theories and make optimal decisions.
(2) be familiar with the mechanisms that society and the financial industry build on as well as the concept of sustainability.
(3) detect problems about how society and business operate and propose possible solutions.
(4) build a solid foundation for further study in advanced economics and seize business opportunities.

Pengenalan guru

譚經緯老師, 國立政治大學經濟學博士,曾獲教育部優質通識教育課程績優計畫獎、教育部全國大專教師創意教學競賽特優獎、科技部數位典藏與數位教學活動設計競賽社會組第一名、全國通識網「優質中文通識課程」收錄 (生活經濟學課程),立志成為華人經濟學終身「傳教士」之土博士,以刻入墓誌銘之精神、血淚鑽研如何令經濟學有趣並實用,人人皆有機會得以一窺此學科之奇幻殿堂。

Dr. Ching-wei Tan, received his doctorate in economics from National Chengchi University. He was the winner of the General Education Pioneering Project and Creative Teaching Contest for College Lecturers of the Ministry of Education, Taiwan. He was also the top prize winner in the Digital Archives and e-Learning Lesson Plan Design Contest. His course “Economics in Daily Life” is listed as top courses delivered in Mandarin in the Course Database of General Education TW. Tan has spent his lifetime promoting the spreading of general economics as a scholar who received his entire education in Taiwan. Enjoy the laughs, the tears that he has prepared for all students in his economics courses, where economics can be both fun and practical.

Jadwal kursus

第1週:優勢判別與交易互利 - 共創雙贏 Advantage & Trade – How to WIN WIN?

第2週:賽局理論的策略思考 - 以其人之道還治其人之身 Game theory & Strategy thinking – tit for tat

第3週:生產與成本 - 兩害相權取其輕 Produce & Cost – How to balance and choice?

第4週:訊息、不確定性與前景理論 – 人有旦夕禍福 (1) Information, Uncertainty, and Prospect Theory - Good luck or bad luck (1)

第5週:訊息、不確定性與前景理論 – 人有旦夕禍福 (2) Information, Uncertainty, and Prospect Theory - Good luck or bad luck (2)

第6週:貨幣與金融原理 – 問天下錢為何物 (1) Currency & Financial principles - Money makes the mare to go (1)

第7週:貨幣與金融原理 – 問天下錢為何物 (2) / Currency & Financial principles - Money makes the mare to go (2)

第8週:貨幣與金融原理 – 問天下錢為何物 (3) Currency & Financial principles - Money makes the mare to go (3)

Isi kursus




This course introduces five economic concepts that are considered most important to beginners by Nobel Economics Prize laureates. Economic theories are explained through examples from everyday life in order to assist students who are taking their first step into the field of economics. Students who already have taken other economic courses will have an opportunity to learn these western economic theories from an eastern perspective.

This course integrates Chinese cultures and mainstream teaching materials recognized by schools across the world, in order to help students build a more diversified and creative way of thinking. Through case studies, problem solving, and performance evaluations, students are expected to apply these economic theories into everyday life. In addition, this course refers to the work from previous students to provide more examples and inspirations for online students.

In addition, online discussions with the lecturer and teaching assistant are available to students with more possible learning methods, improve overall learning efficiency, and expand students’ horizons even more.

Model kursus


The course consists of five units. A single unit contains several lecture videos with English subtitles (about 10-15 minutes each). Students may arrange their learning schedules based on personal needs. The videos can be replayed, paused, or fast forwarded. A discussion forum is available for students to discuss questions with the lecturer or teaching assistant. There will be a short quiz for each unit, as well as mid-term and final exams.


隨堂測驗:20 % * 5

Quiz: 20% * 5


Course grade pass:60Grade Memo:max grade 100 point





1.深造考試用-張清溪、許家棟、劉鶯釧、吳聰敏(1995), 『經濟學理論與實際』上、下冊(臺北:翰盧)

2.思考.推理.研究-Steven D.Levitt原著,李明譯(2006),『蘋果橘子經濟學』(臺北:大塊)



1. Principles of Economics, N. Gregory Mankiw

2. Economics, Michael Parkin

3. Economics, Paul Krugman and Robin Wells