Giáo viên: 顏春煌
Thời hạn đăng kí:2024/06/30

Tóm tắt



Mục tiêu khóa học


Giới thiệu về giáo viên khóa học

  • 教師姓名:顏春煌
  • 教師簡介:
本課程教師顏春煌目前為國立空中大學管資系的教授,西元1994年於美國的愛荷華州立大學取得電腦科學博士學位,曾任教於美國印地安那州的Ball State University電腦科學系,專業領域為資料庫系統、數位學習與資料科學。

Lịch trình khóa học







Nội dung khóa học


Hình thức lên lớp


Tiêu chí chấm điểm


Grade Required

Course grade pass:100Grade Memo:max grade 100 point

Môn học tiên quyết hoặc năng lực cần có


Gợi ý danh mục sách tham khảo

  1. Bahga, A. and V. Madisetti. (2016). Big Data Science & Analytics: A Hands-on Approach. Published by Arshdeep Bahga & Vijay Madisetti.
  2. Cady, F. (2017). The Data Science Handbook. Wiley.
  3. EMC Education Services. (2015). Data Science and Big Data Analytics. Wiley.
  4. Garcia, et al. (2016). Big data preprocessing: methods and prospects. Big Data Analytics.1:9.
  5. Hung, J. L. (2012). Trends of e-learning research from 2000 to 2008: Use of text mining and bibliometrics. British Journal of Educational Technology. 43(1), 5-16.
  6. Hurwitz, J., et al. (2013). Big Data For Dummies.Wiley.
  7. Kelleher, J. D., Namee, B. M. and D’Arcy, A. (2015). Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics. The MIT Press.
  8. Lindstrom, M. The Tiny Clues That Uncover Huge Trends. 溫力勤、戴至中譯,(2017),小數據獵人,寶鼎出版。
  9. Maheshwari, A. Data Analytics Made Accessible.
  10. Meyer, D., K. Hornik, & I. Feinerer. (2008) Text Mining Infrastructure in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 25 (5). 1-54. ISSN 1548-7660.
  11. Mochizuki, T., S. Fujitani, Y. Isshiki, Y. Yamauchi & H. Kato. (2003). Assessment of Collaborative Learning for Students: Making the State of Discussion Visible for their Reflection by Text Mining of Electronic Forums. World Conference on E-learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, Arizona, USA.
  12. Monino, J. & S. Sedkaoui. (2016). Big Data, Open Data and Data Development. Wiley.
  13. Provost, F. and T. Fawcett. (2013). Data Science for Business. O’Reilly.
  14. Ueno, M. (2004). Data mining and text mining technologies for collaborative learning in an ILMS “Samurai”. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT’04).
  15. Williamson, B. (2017). Big Data in Education: The digital future of learning, policy and practice. SAGE.
  16. Winston, W. L. (2016). Microsoft Excel 2016: Data Analysis and Business Modeling. Microsoft Press.
  17. 林俊宏譯,(2013),大數據:數位革命之後,資料革命登場:巨量資料掀起生活、工作和思考方式的全面革新,遠見天下文化出版。
  18. 陳姿穎譯,(2013),BIG DATA:讓你看見真實欲望,悅知文化。
  19. 數位時代,(2016),大數據全攻略:掌握商業應用的五大關鍵。網址:https://www.bnext.com.tw/article/41594/big-data-5-keys-to-success,查閱日期:2/19/2018。
  20. 劉勇志,民國106年,大數據(Big Data)分析與應用:使用Hadoop與Spark,台科大圖書公司。
  21. 涂子沛,(2015),數據之巔:大數據革命,歷史、現實與未來,香港中和出版有限公司。
  22. 城田真琴著,鐘慧真、梁世英譯,(2013),大數據的獲利模式,經濟新潮社出版。
  23. 陳琇玲譯,(2017),數據、謊言與真相:Google資料分析師用大數據揭露人們的真面目,商周出版。

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