全人照護-Holistic Care(2024秋季班)
Teacher: 臺北醫學大學MOOCs



Course Object

  • Fully Functioning what person means and how does a person become fully functioning.
  • Holistic understanding about the perspectives toward a patient in holistic care.
  • Person-centered what does it mean and from which perspective could perfectly reflect the theory of person-centered approach in healthcare.
  • Therapeutic Relationship defining the natural and definition of therapeutic relationship and how could it develop in practices.
  • Resilience what is resilience in healthcare and how does it affect patients’ quality of life and care.
  • Post-traumatic how person-centered holistic care enhanced patients personal growth in healthcare. 

Course Teacher Intro

廖若帆 老師


Course Schedule

Unit 1:A Fully Functioning Person

Unit 2:Person-Centered Therapeutic Relationship I

Unit 3:Person-Centered Therapeutic Relationship II

Unit 4:第一次期中考(範圍第一週~第三週)

Unit 5:Personalized Care in Healthcare

Unit 6:Resilience Matters

Unit 7:Post-Traumatic Growth

Unit 8:第二次期中考(範圍第五週~第七週)

Unit 9:期末考(全範圍)

Course Content


Course Grade

平時測驗:佔總成績  100%

Grade Required

Course grade pass:60Grade Memo:max grade 100 point

Course Ability


Certificate information
