本课程先解构传统的行销理论,通过案例分析,引领学生观察与思考行销模式的成功与失败原因。在对于行销理论与模式具备正确理解与认知后,再启发学员将创意挹注于行销模式之中。更进一步,说明近年来提倡的「行销3.0」观念以及如何以创意架构行销模式,让行销除了成为获益的重要来源外,也能将产品与创作者的初衷传递给顾客,进而深植人心。语言:中文 字幕:繁体中文 简体中文 英文Creative Marketing
Course Summary
This course first analyzes conventional marketing theories; through case studies, students are led to observe and think of successes and failures that result from marketing models. After being equipped with the correct understanding and developing an awareness for marketing theories and models, students are then inspired to put their creativity into marketing models. Furthermore, the “Marketing 3.0” concept that has been promoted over recent years and structures of creative marketing models are described to allow students to deliver products and intentions of creators to customers and to win over their hearts. Language: ChineseVideo Subtitles: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, English, Thai.
Course Objectives
1. Based on basic discourse of marketing theories, students will effectively understand the development and evolution of marketing models.
2. With systematic methods of introduction, evolution of marketing theories in each stage will be understood by students. At the same time, students are inspired to put their creativity into the existing foundation.
3. The essence of creative marketing is further introduced to industries, governments, and academia for further exploration, and the structure of design thinking is taught in the course to focus on human needs. In the learning process, new solutions to each issue are looked for to bring out more possibilities.
李智仁 老師
現職: 銘傳大學金融科技學院 助理教授
Course Instructor Introduction
Professor Li Chih-Je
Assistant Professor, the School of Financial Technology and Applications at Ming Chuan University (Present)
Class Mentor, and Assistant Professor PhD Program of Creative Industry, Bussiness Management Department, Shih Chien University
Commissioner, Indigenous Comprehensive Development Fund Commission
Consultant, International Cooperation and Development Fund
Educational Background: Doctor of Philosophy in Law
Professional Field:
Financial Technology and Data Analyses
Business Management and Marketing Strategies
Creative Industry Planning and Implementation
Industrial Experiences:
Director-general of Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance; Director, Mainland Finance Research Office
Planning Commissioner of Orchid Logistics Center, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan.
第1周:行销基本功 Marketing Basics
第2周:创意行销1.0 Creative Marketing 1.0
第3周:创意行销2.0 Creative Marketing 2.0
第4周:创意行销3.0 Creative Marketing 3.0
第5周:文化、创意与行销 Culture, Creativity and Marketing
第6周:行销成果的查看与再创新 Marketing Result Examination and Recreation
Course Ability
Students interested in exploring “marketing” and “combined creative marketing” are welcome to take the course.