Developmental Psychology (2023)
教师: ShyiGary,黃世琤,林明傑


This course will explore the nature and process of interpersonal relationships and social interactions, as well as influencing factors, from three important perspectives: "Friendship", "Intimate relationship and lifestyle", and "The influence of interpersonal relationship".  Students will be able to understand the basic knowledge of interpersonal relationships and social interactions.


1.Understand the nature of friendship and its essential elements
2.Understand the friendship between adolescents and adults
3. Understand the meaning and classification of intimacy
4.Understand the relationship between interpersonal interaction and lifestyle
5. Understand the process and influence of alienation and abuse in interpersonal relationships
6.Understand the violence and negative effects of interpersonal relationships


  • Professor:Shih-Tseng Tina Huang 
  • Profile:
Professor, Department of Psychology, National Chung-Cheng University
Center for Research in Cognitive Sciences & Ph.D. Program in Cognitive Sciences, CCU
Licensed Counseling Psychologist
President, Taiwanese Association of the Mental Health Informatics
Division of Developmental Psychology, Taiwanese Association of Psychology


第1周:Friendship and Interpersonal Relationship - Part 1

第2周:Friendship and Interpersonal Relationship - Part 2

第3周:Elements and Theories of Intimacy

第4周: Intimacy and Lifestyle

第5周:The Influence of Interpersonal Relationships - Part 1

第6周:The Influence of Interpersonal Relationships - Part 2

第7周:Additional Resources


1. The course focuses on the psychological development related to interpersonal interactions in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. We will explore the relationship between the basic forms of interpersonal interaction and personal psychological development from different perspectives.
2.Students will understand the characteristics of friendships and intimacy through theories and research of Developmental Psychology and be able to apply it in social interactions in real life.
3.We will illustrate the impact of negative interpersonal relationships with examples of alienation and violence to achieve the effect of prevention and adaptation.


This course is divided into six main units, each unit is composed of several small topics, each small topic will have a 10-30 minute video. In-class quizzes are to be completed every week with the course content to help learners confirm whether they understand the content of the class. Midterm exams, final exams, and homework are also arranged to assess learning results. For the assessment criteria, please refer to the "Grading Standard".


  • Course Passing Standard: 60%  Full Score: 100%

  • Attendance (Course Videos Completion) 50%

  • Quizzes 42%

  • Discussion 8%


Course grade pass:60Grade Memo:max grade 100 point


This course requires no background knowledge and is suitable for all learners who are interested in psychology.


1.發展心理學理論:從過去到現在 (Theories of Developmental Psychology)



4.Developmental Neuropsychology: A Clinical Approach

5.The Cambridge Handbook of Successful Aging

6.Emotion,Shiota, Michelle N.

