This course discusses financial intermediation and introduces various types of financial institutions and their functions. Students will learn about the inner workings of commercial banks, investment banks, insurance companies, mutual funds, and other financial institutions. This course is part of essential basic knowledge for those who wish to broaden their understanding of finance, to pursue a degree in finance, or to start a finance-related career.
Course Object
This course will consist of a series of short (10 – 15 mins) videos on the relevant topics, including agency theory, bank balance sheet and bank management, mutual fund investments, fundamentals of insurance, etc. The videos will be accompanied with assignments that are designed to improve the students’ understanding of the topics. Future career prospects: Employment of finance professionals is growing rapidly, and will continue to grow in the future. Currently, median salary of a financial analyst in the USA is US$ 81760 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics).
Course Teacher Intro
Teacher name:Guych Nuryyev
Teacher information:
Degree:Ph.D in Economics, Queen's University Belfast, U.K.
Current Research Interests:Resource Economics, Country-level Governance
Course Schedule
第1週:Direct Indirect Finance
第2週:Adverse selection and moral hazard
第3週:Bank balance sheet
第4週:Bank management principles
第5週:Mutual fund benefits and value
第6週:Mutual fund investments
第7週:Insurance fundamentals
第8週:Type of insurance
Course Mode
The course will be divided into 8 topics (chapters):
1. Direct and indirect finance:
about the flow of funds directly from investors to corporations or indirectly through the financial markets.
2. Adverse selection and moral hazard :
about the risks of agency theory, good vs bad borrowers, etc.
3. Bank balance sheet:
about the types of assets and liabilities that commercial banks usually have.
4. Bank management:
about the general principles of bank management.
5. Mutual funds benefits and value:
about the importance of mutual funds in finance.
6. Mutual funds investments:
about the ways that mutual funds use capital in their own investments.
7. Insurance fundamentals :
about the fundamental principles of insurance.
8. Types of insurance:
about different types of insurance, including life insurance, property insurance, etc.
Course Grade
- Quiz: 25%
- Homework: 25%
- Midterm exam:25%
- Final exam: 25%
Grade Required
Course grade pass:60Grade Memo:max grade 100 point
Course Ability
No prior knowledge is required.
Course Suggest
Reference book:F. S. Mishkin, Financial Markets and Institutions.