國立臺北教育大學華語文教學碩士 Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, National Taipei University of Education (M.A.)
現任德明財經科技大學講師、實踐大學華語中心/博雅學部講師Adjunct Lecturer, Takming University of Science and TechnologyAdjunct Lecturer, Shih Chien University
第1週:您好嗎? How are you?
第2週:多少錢? How much is it?
第3週:自我介紹 Self-introduction
第4週:現在幾點? What time is it?
第5週:今天星期幾? What day is it today?
第6週:怎麼走 Directions
第7週:餐廳 Restaurants
第8週:我生病了 I’m sick
第9週:寄信打電話 Letters and calls
第10週:祝福語 Well-wishes
本課程共計十大單元,包含:您好嗎、多少錢、自我介紹、現在幾點、今天星期幾、怎麼走、餐廳、我生病了、寄信打電話、祝福語。 10 units include: “How Are You?”, “How much is it?”, self-introduction, “What time is it?”, “What day of the week is it?”, directions, restaurants, “I’m sick.”, letters and calls, well-wishes.
《300句說華語》英語版(五南圖書出版公司) Easy to Learn Chinese (Wu Nan Publishing company)