General Psychology (2023)
Teacher: ShyiGary,黃世琤,林明傑


This course discusses the essence and process of interpersonal relationships and social interaction through three important aspects–Emotion, Social Influence & Social Cognition, and Personality & Mental Disorders. We hope students can grasp basic understanding of social interaction after taking the course.


Course Object

1.了解情緒的本質及構成的要件 Emotion & Structure of Emotion
2.了解認知評估對情緒反應的影響 Cognitive Appraisal & Emotional Responses
3.了解人際關係的本質及其對社會互動的影響 Interpersonal Relationship & Social Interaction
4.了解印象形成與態度改變之社會認知歷程 Social Cognitive Process: Impression Formation & Attitude Change
5.了解性格的心理學意義與分類  Personality
6.了解性格與心理疾患之間的關係 Personality & Mental Disorder

Course Teacher Intro

  • Lecturer: Professor Gary C. W. Shyi
  • Education

The State University of New York at Stony Brook (Ph.D.)

Rutgers University (Postdoctoral Research Fellow)

  • Institutions

Professor at the Department of Psychology, National Chung Cheng University (CCU)

Cognitive Science Research Center Director

Cognitive Science Ph.D. Program Director

The Advanced Institute of Manufacturing with High-tech Innovations (AIM-HI) Section Director

  • Specialization:

Visual Cognition, Object Recognition, Scene Perception, and Visual-spatial Attention

  • 教師姓名:襲充文 (Professor Gary C. W. Shyi)
  • 教師簡介



  • 專長領域


Course Schedule

第1週:Emotion and Emotion Regulation I

第2週:Emotion and Emotion Regulation II

第3週:Social Influence and Social Cognition I

第4週:Social Influence and Social Cognition II

第5週:Personality and Mental Disorders I

第6週:Personality and Mental Disorders II

Course Content

1. 以深入淺出的方式廣泛介紹情緒調節、性格與心理疾患及社會影響與社會認知等議題的基本概念,以及相關的研究發現,以彰顯基礎心理歷程在人際關係與社會互動所扮演的重要角色。

2. 強調上述基礎歷程之間的相互關係,尤其是情緒與情緒調節對認識與理解性格的養成、心理疾患的因應以及社會認知及互動等議題的重要性。

3. 善用各種科技及教學媒體所提供的資訊,以活潑豐富的方式介紹各相關議題,以提升學習的效果。

Course Mode

This course is consists of 3 main aspects, in a total of 6 units. Each unit is made up of numerous sub-units which offer 5-15 minutes of course videos. There are Quizzes and Exercises to reflect on how much you've learned, for grading mechanisms, check out the information below(Course Grade).


Course Grade

  • 6 Weekly Quiz (each worth 5%): 30%
  • 6 Weekly Class Exercises (each worth 5%): 30%
  • Participation (watching course videos): 40%
  • Passing Grade: 60% out of 100%

Grade Required

Course grade pass:60Grade Memo:max grade 100 point

Course Ability

This course does not require background knowledge and is suitable for those who are interested in the field of psychology.


Certificate information
