General Psychology (2023)
Giáo viên: ShyiGary,黃世琤,林明傑

Tóm tắt

This course discusses the essence and process of interpersonal relationships and social interaction through three important aspects–Emotion, Social Influence & Social Cognition, and Personality & Mental Disorders. We hope students can grasp basic understanding of social interaction after taking the course.


Mục tiêu khóa học

1.了解情緒的本質及構成的要件 Emotion & Structure of Emotion
2.了解認知評估對情緒反應的影響 Cognitive Appraisal & Emotional Responses
3.了解人際關係的本質及其對社會互動的影響 Interpersonal Relationship & Social Interaction
4.了解印象形成與態度改變之社會認知歷程 Social Cognitive Process: Impression Formation & Attitude Change
5.了解性格的心理學意義與分類  Personality
6.了解性格與心理疾患之間的關係 Personality & Mental Disorder

Giới thiệu về giáo viên khóa học

  • Lecturer: Professor Gary C. W. Shyi
  • Education

The State University of New York at Stony Brook (Ph.D.)

Rutgers University (Postdoctoral Research Fellow)

  • Institutions

Professor at the Department of Psychology, National Chung Cheng University (CCU)

Cognitive Science Research Center Director

Cognitive Science Ph.D. Program Director

The Advanced Institute of Manufacturing with High-tech Innovations (AIM-HI) Section Director

  • Specialization:

Visual Cognition, Object Recognition, Scene Perception, and Visual-spatial Attention

  • 教師姓名:襲充文 (Professor Gary C. W. Shyi)
  • 教師簡介



  • 專長領域


Lịch trình khóa học

第1週:Emotion and Emotion Regulation I

第2週:Emotion and Emotion Regulation II

第3週:Social Influence and Social Cognition I

第4週:Social Influence and Social Cognition II

第5週:Personality and Mental Disorders I

第6週:Personality and Mental Disorders II

Nội dung khóa học

1. 以深入淺出的方式廣泛介紹情緒調節、性格與心理疾患及社會影響與社會認知等議題的基本概念,以及相關的研究發現,以彰顯基礎心理歷程在人際關係與社會互動所扮演的重要角色。

2. 強調上述基礎歷程之間的相互關係,尤其是情緒與情緒調節對認識與理解性格的養成、心理疾患的因應以及社會認知及互動等議題的重要性。

3. 善用各種科技及教學媒體所提供的資訊,以活潑豐富的方式介紹各相關議題,以提升學習的效果。

Hình thức lên lớp

This course is consists of 3 main aspects, in a total of 6 units. Each unit is made up of numerous sub-units which offer 5-15 minutes of course videos. There are Quizzes and Exercises to reflect on how much you've learned, for grading mechanisms, check out the information below(Course Grade).


Tiêu chí chấm điểm

  • 6 Weekly Quiz (each worth 5%): 30%
  • 6 Weekly Class Exercises (each worth 5%): 30%
  • Participation (watching course videos): 40%
  • Passing Grade: 60% out of 100%

Grade Required

Course grade pass:60Grade Memo:max grade 100 point

Môn học tiên quyết hoặc năng lực cần có

This course does not require background knowledge and is suitable for those who are interested in the field of psychology.


Thông tin chứng chỉ
