基礎華語|Fundamental Chinese
Pengajar: 傅國忠


This is a course for beginners. So, if you want to learn some basic Chinese, but you have no knowledge at all, you have come to the right place. In this course, we are going to learn about Chinese pronunciation, pinyin, and everyday conversation and learn about Chinese characters. You will be able to have a simple conversation about your personal preferences for food and drink.

#語言學習 #英語授課

Tujuan kursus

1. Learn Pinyin and Chinese pronunciation.

2. Learn how to communicate in Chinese in basic everyday situation, including the following topics: Introducing myself, Family members, Hobbies.

3. Have basic knowledge of Chinese characters.

4. Have some basic ideas about Chinese culture.

5. Learn how to type in Chinese.

Pengenalan guru

傅國忠(Kuo Chung Fu)


國立東華大學 華語文中心 專案講師

Project Lecturer, National Dong Hwa University Chinese Language Center

Specialty : Teaching Chinese at all levels, Chinese grammar, writing Chinese textbooks, and comparative analysis

Jadwal kursus

單元 1:Basic Conversation and Phonetics I

單元 2:Basic Conversation and Phonetics II

單元 3:Basic Conversation and Phonetics III

單元 4:Basic Conversation and Phonetics IV

單元 5:Self Introduction

單元 6:Family

單元 7:Hobby

單元 8:Chinese Characters and Chinese Typing

單元 9:Online Mid-term Exam

Isi kursus

 Unit 1

1.Course Introduction

2.Daily Expressions

3.Names and Nationalities

4.Number 1 to 10 

5.Chinese Pinyin and Pronunciation

6.Writing Chinese Characters 

 Unit 2

1.Preference of Food

2.Chinese Pinyin and Pronunciation

3.Writing Chinese Characters

 Unit 3

1.Numbers 11 to 99

2.Talking About hobbies

3.Chinese Pinyin and Pronunciation

4.Writing Chinese Characters

 Unit 4

1.I Think...

2.Chinese Pinyin and  Pronunciation

3.Numbers 100 to 1000

4.Writing Chinese Characters

 Unit 5

1.Topic: New Semester, Greeting and Self-Introduction

2.Topic: New Semester, Describe Feelings About Learning Chinese

3.Writing Chinese Characters

 Unit 6

1.Topic: My Family, Talk About Your Family Members

2.Topic: My Family, Talk About Their Hobbies

3.Writing Chinese Characters

 Unit 7

1.Topic: Buy Food, Go to the Restaurant

2.Topic: Buy Food, Get the Food

3.Writing Chinese Characters

 Unit 8

1.Typing Tutorial


 Unit 9

Online test for listening and reading


平時測驗:佔總成績  40%
Regular Quizzes: 40% of the total grade

Before the 8th week, there will be a weekly quiz based on the course topic, totaling 8 regular quizzes.

期中考:佔總成績  40%
Midterm Exam: 40% of the total grade

課程參與:佔總成績  20%
Class Participation: 20% of the total grade


Course grade pass:60Grade Memo:max grade 100 point


This course does not require background knowledge and is suitable for interested learners.

Informasi Sertifikat







