Buddhist Philosophy of Mind and Mental Healing
Pengajar: 簡汝恩


This course aims to introduce the concept of the mind in Buddhist philosophy, exploring its appearance, composition, nature, and functioning, as well as providing an in-depth analysis of how to heal its dysfunctional aspects. The course will first cover the foundational doctrines of Buddhism, including the concepts of no-self, impermanence, dependent origination, and karma theory. These core principles provide the necessary background for understanding the mind's workings. Building on this foundation, the course will further introduce the Yogācāra school's analysis of the mind, with a particular focus on its operational mechanisms and, especially, the healing of negative psychological states. This includes a detailed examination of the mind, mental factors, and the remedies for afflictive mental states. Buddhist psychological analysis is oriented toward liberation, investigating the afflictions generated by habitual self-other duality, such as emotions and incorrect attitudes. It proposes the cultivation of equanimity, wisdom, and correct decision-making to guide the mind towards a non-discriminative and liberated mode of cognition.

#英語授課 #EMI全英授課 English-Medium Instruction

Tujuan kursus

1. 使學生習得佛教中「心」的組成要素,並理解其運作原理。

2. 使學生理解習得佛教中正、負面心理狀態的分類。

3. 使學生由佛教對負面心理狀態的處理,理解佛教心靈哲學療癒功能。

1. Students will learn the components of the "mind" in Buddhism and understand its principles of operation.

2. Students will understand and learn the classification of positive and negative mental states in Buddhism.

3. Enable students to understand the healing function of Buddhist philosophy of mind through its approach to negative mental states.

Pengenalan guru

簡汝恩老師(Chien, Ju-En)、Ujjwal Kumar老師


Chien received her Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München in Germany. She is currently an assistant professor at Fo Guang University in Taiwan. She teaches Indian Buddhist history, Abhidharma and Yogācāra philosophy, and Buddhist Chinese. Her research interests are Philosophy of Yogācāra and Philosophy of Mind in Buddhism. 

Ujjwal Kumar老師獲得了來自印度巴拉納西印度大學的巴利語碩士學位以及香港大學的佛教研究碩士學位,隨後於普納的薩維特麗·芙蕾·普納大學獲得博士學位。他目前在加爾各答大學佛教研究系擔任副教授,教授巴利語和早期佛教。他的研究專長是10世紀以後的巴利語文學。

Ujjwal Kumar earned his MA in Pali from Banaras Hindu University and an MA in Buddhist Studies from the University of Hong Kong, followed by a PhD from the Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Buddhist Studies at the University of Calcutta, Kolkata, where he teaches Pali Language and Early Buddhism. His research specializes in post-10th century Pali literature.

Jadwal kursus

單元 1:佛教世界觀 The Buddhist World View

單元 2:無我的教理 Selflessness

單元 3:心的組成 Composition of the Mind

單元 4:心的煩惱 Mental Affliction

單元 5:善的心理狀態 Wholesome Mindset

單元 6:心理障礙的對治 Antidote against the Affective Disorder

單元 7:四念住 Mindfulness and its Four Bases

單元 8:佛教哲學中的治療意義 The Therapeutic Significance of Buddhist Philosophy

Isi kursus


This course spans a total of eight weeks, with 45 minutes per week. Each week, besides a 5-minute introduction to that week's lesson, includes four 10-minute instructional videos. Following these four instructional videos, there are 3 to 5 multiple-choice or true/false questions. Students complete the course and pass after watching all the instructional videos, finishing the questions, and achieving an accuracy rate of 80% or higher.


平時測驗:佔總成績 100 %

Regular Quizzes: 100% of the total grade


Course grade pass:80Grade Memo:max grade 100 point



This course requires no background knowledge and is suitable for all learners interested in Buddhist philosophy of mind.